
The Travel Bug.

It seems that everyone has one these days. Whether your guests are looking for an adventure or need a hiatus from the humdrum day VIP Experiences and Travel Packages are the perfect solution! Part of the beauty of an experience-based item is the universality and diversity it brings to your fundraising auction.

But what’s the point?

VIP Experiences and Travel Packages help maximize profit at your next auction fundraiser, while allowing your organization to stand out from others.


The answer is threefold:

VIP Experiences and Travel Packages maximize profit and add value by securing…

  1. Underwiters
  2. Multiple bidders
  3. Future donors

Let’s get started!

1) Secure Underwriters

This is a no-brainer. Securing underwriters secures immediate profit. Loyal donors are a crucial part of any nonprofit organization. Nonprofits cannot function without the secured turnout of their loyal donors. So why not utilize them effectively and efficiently? Better yet, why not praise them for their gift publicly? Securing underwriters to pay for VIP Experiences and Travel Packages in advance does both!

2) Secure Multiple Bidders

Once-in-a-lifetime experiences and trips are big sellers at auction events. It is likely that there is more than one interested bidder for each VIP Experience and Travel Package you offer. With a high quality benefit auctioneer in control, it is possible to sell an auction item to two bidders, making your $3,000 trip net profit doubled! More than one bidder can enjoy our quality VIP Experience at the upcoming Super Bowl and luxurious Tuscany Countryside Travel Package, or if 2 couples would like to travel together we can make those memories possible.

3) Secure Future donors

A happy guest is a repeat donor. Winning a bid for a guest and finalizing a sale of an auction item does not only procure a one-time profit. If your experience and travel packages are of high quality, the praise and enjoyment your donors receive goes a long way.

What’s not to love about VIP Experiences and Travel Packages? Futhermore, our packages are no-risk auction items, guaranteeing that you will never loose a cent if one of our auction items do not sell. You may have the same items year after year, and often compete for donors with other organizations in your area.  A new offering keeps it fresh and allows you to stand out while bringing something new to your auction item offerings.

Want to learn more about featuring Vacation Packages and VIP Experiences at your next auction fundraiser? Contact our Fundraising Travel Specialist Amanda at 949-510-4732 or AMiles@winspireme.com for a free consultation.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Charity Fundraising Educational Series Blog, we hope you find great value in it. Good luck fundraising!