
Successful travel packages for nonprofit charity auction fundraisers are tailored to the audience. But who is your audience?

Let’s get to know some of your audience…

Learning practical tips on how to tap into different kinds of travel budgets is the first step. With different budgets and interests come different ways to travel.

To be sure, Millennials and Baby Boomers travel differently. We have some statistics on how! 


Millennials spend a lot of money on travel. (They were projected to spend $200 billion in 2018!)

Furthermore, their spending is not stagnating – 55% of surveyed Millennials plan to increase their travel compared to last year.

One Third of the surveyed millennials plan to take an international trip in the next 24 months (I am a Millennial and I write this the day before I leave for my international trip!).

But what about family?

Nearly half traveled with their children last year, and half intended to take another a family vacation in the next two years.

Family-oriented vacations are important milestones in the Millennial’s life with their burgeoning families. Taking the kids to Disney World, going to the San Diego Zoo, exploring the Kennedy Space Center, or watching a game from the rooftop of the Wrigley field are all monuments in a child’s life. And parents want to make those dreams happen!

Relaxation Vacations

Though the reasons for traveling to visit family and have recreational family travel, more than 55% do it for relaxation.

Times away from the noise, the excitement, and the chaos are very much needed as well.

Resort spas in Southern California and a San Diego Craft Brewing Scene might be all a young mom and dad need to get away! 

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers spend a little less than Millennials – capping in at $157 billion on travel each year.

With nearly 75 million Boomers in the US, 99% of them intend to take at least one vacation trip this year.

Luxury Travel

And although their number is smaller than Millennials, Boomers are responsible for 80% of all luxury travel spending.

What does that mean?

They don’t want hassle.

Airbnbs and open-ended and spontaneous itineraries are less of what Boomers are looking for. An easy-to-book experience with best-laid plans is more suitable to these folks!

Boomer Highlights

What is their number one reason for traveling?

57% of surveyed baby boomers said it was to spend time with friends and family. Vacation at Disney World anyone?

What is their top destination?

International travel – particularly Caribbean/Latin America and Europe – is the most popular destination spots for boomers!

So what are you waiting for? Seizing ZERO-RISK travel and vacation packages as auction items is the perfect way to spice up your fundraiser and make all of your guests happy. After these statistics, it’s obvious: everyone loves to travel and we all do it quite a lot!



