
When you are doing all the work into putting together a fundraising event often times picking food, venue, decorations and promotional items take center stage. The silent auction often gets moved to the back burner, yet this is the area where your event can really produce the big fundraising dollars your charity is seeking.

At Charity Fundraising we have spent much time talking and working with our charity partners on fundraising ideas and it has afforded us the ability to see what works for charities across the country. These tips are not just for huge gala’s or small school events, in our findings they are universal in their popularity and their ability in raising money for charities. Here are some tips for getting silent auction items to help maximize your success.

Sporting Events – This is always a great way to get people bidding. Offering tickets is the first and most basic step to generate positive results. Spend a few minutes and contact the team and see if you can get those tickets donated.  Then see if you can get an add on, perhaps a tour of the stadium or a locker room visit or even perhaps the winner getting on field pre-game for some pictures.

Unique Memorabilia- This one is near and dear to our heart as this is the sector we are the pro’s in. What you want to do here is get items that people have never seen before and more likely did not know they could ever get. When you donors walk into a room and see an autographed guitar signed by the members of The Rolling Stones or an Arnold Palmer signed photograph they will get excited. Let’s face it you can not go down to the local Walmart and find these items.

Travel & Unique Experiences- Where ever you live there is someplace within driving distance that is considered a vacation or relaxation hotspot. Contact hotels and restaurants in the area and see if you can get rooms and meals donated or offered at a huge discount. These easy weekend getaways are always a huge hit.

Never make decisions for your donors when it comes to high end vacation packages in thinking they are too expensive. These packages from Trips to Napa to Disney to the Super Bowl are one of our top selling sectors and again it is special to us as this is part of the service we provide.

Restaurants- Everyone has those restaurants around that are a little more expensive than the rest. Get them on the phone and they will surely donate a dinner for four or donate a gift card towards a meal. If you are within an hour drive of a major city then pick up the phone and start dialing as you will have countless restaurants willing to donate gift cards which in turn helps promote their restaurant.