
At Charity Fundraising, our non-profit partners rave about the once-in-a-lifetime experiences we offer.  But what you may not know is all of the excitement surrounding these amazing charity auction items wouldn’t be possible without the help of our good friends at Winspire.  We’d like to take this opportunity to share with you a bit about their organization and how our partnership benefits our non-profit charity partners.


  • Michael, Fundraising Manager of Charity Fundraising
  • Ian, Creative Director at Winspire since 2011
  • Amanda, Event Consultant at Winspire since 2008

Michael:  “Thank you Ian and Amanda for sharing a bit about your organization.  Can you share with our readers a bit about your company and your mission?”

Ian:  “Winspire was founded in 2008 with a focus on helping Nonprofits make the most out of their benefit auctions.  We secure airfare, event tickets and put together the entire package for our customers.  Since that time we’ve seen steady growth serving over 20,000 events world-wide and raising over $25,000,000 for charity.”

Michael:  “What types of organizations do you work with?”

Amanda:  “We work with all kinds of non-profits:  Healthcare foundations, schools, animal related missions, medical research foundations, environmental organizations and 3rd party events that ultimately donate to a specific organization. “

Michael: “Why are more of these organizations deciding to work with you?”

Ian:  “One thing that is cool about Winspire in general that people don’t often think about is that the donors are coming in with money to spend and they want to support something they believe in.  Most donors have travel budgets that they’re going to be spending one way or another, and Winspire Experiences give them an opportunity to use their nonprofit donations and travel budgets in the same transaction. “

Michael:  “We started working together in 2009.  Our companies have shared missions in that our goal is to help non-profits with no risk.  Could you share with our readers how Winspire and Charity Fundraising works together to create the perfect selection of charity auction items for non-profits?”

Amanda: “Since the beginning we have searched for quality partners and there was a unique synergy between your company and Winspire.    Our experiences paired with the authentic, quality, autographed memorabilia from Charity Fundraising provides the charity with a well-rounded auction.  More importantly, our partnership provides non-profits with items that they may not be able to obtain on their own.  It is easier for the charity to work with us than to solicit items from their community.  It is truly one-stop shopping for the event planners/development directors.  Working with our organizations, allows the charity to focus on attendance, promotion and ensuring a successful event.”

Michael:  “Tell us about your most popular experiences.”

Amanda: “It truly depends on the non-profit we are working with.  School fundraisers tend to select unique experiences like tickets to the Teen Choice Awards or A Disney Vacation Package.  Medical Foundations may choose a Day at Churchill Downs, Becoming a Fighter Pilot for a Day, or tickets to the Super Bowl.  Our most popular packages are our wine packages that include tours and private tastings at exclusive Northern California wineries that are not accessible to the general public.”

Special thanks to Ian and Amanda for this special interview.  Learn more about Winspire and the unique experiences they can offer your non-profit by visiting their website winspireme.com.